Women Veterans of America
Women Veterans of America Chapter #20 PO Box 121884 Nashville, TN 37212 Constitution
and Bylaws of Women
Veterans of America – Chapter 20
of Contents: Line
Page # 1
I – Name
II – Purpose
2 28
III – Nature
2 46
IV – Governing
3 53
V – Membership
3 140
Dues 163
VI – Meetings
5 175
VII – Officers
5 225
VIII – Duties By Office
6 227
Commander 262
Vice-Commander 290
Adjutant 346
Finance Officer 407
Sergeant-At-Arms 413
Chaplain 461
IX – Member Uniforms
10 511
X – Disciplinary Matters
11 539
XI – Committees
12 546
XII – Amendments
The name of this organization shall
be Women Veterans of America (W.V.A.), Chapter # 20, in Nashville,
The objects and purposes of this Chapter shall be: 2.01.01
provide information and support to Women Veterans. 2.01.02
establish a liaison between Women Veterans and proper governmental sources
of help. 2.01.03
focus on the health care needs of Women Veterans who use the Department of
Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. 2.01.04
supply personal items necessary for the comfort of hospitalized female
veterans. 2.02
The WVA will adhere to the general rules set forth by the Volunteer Office
of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and to make our
Volunteer Service one of excellence. 2.03
The needs of female veterans shall be our primary concern; however, the
WVA shall also be concerned with helping underprivileged women and
children in our community. ARTICLE
This is a civilian organization and membership therein does not affect or
increase liability for military or police service. Rank does not exist in the Women
Veterans of America; no member shall be addressed by her military or naval
title in any meeting of the Chapter. 3.02
This organization shall be absolutely non-political and non-partisan, and
shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles or for the
promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or
preferment. No candidate for nomination or election to, or no incumbent
remunerative office in the Chapter; members of standing or special
committees shall not be affected. 3.03
Each member shall perform her full duty as a citizen according to her own
conscience and understanding.
The Constitution and Bylaws of this organization shall be the guide for
the conduct at all meetings 4.02
In cases not covered, Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall be
female who served in the service of the military of the United States of
America, the Allied Forces of the United States, Active Duty US Forces,
The US Reserve Forces and she has not been dishonorably discharged or
separated from such service, is eligible for membership in the Women
Veterans of America. Proof of eligibility (DD Form 214 or the
equivalent) shall be submitted and/or verified by one elected Officer and
one member in good standing at the time of application for
membership. If member submits any documentation with SSAN annotated,
such document(s) will be shredded by an elected Officer and witnessed by
one member of good standing. 5.02
least 75% of the members are past or present members of the U. S. Armed
Forces and that at least 97.5% of the members of the organization are past
or present members of the U.S. Armed Forces, cadets (including only
students in college or university ROTC programs or at armed services
academies) or spouses, widow, or widowers of any of those listed
here 5.03
Classes of Membership 5.03.01
Regular Membership
Regular membership is open to all women who have been honorably discharged
from one of the branches of the United States Armed Forces or United
States Reserve Forces, or a qualifying National Guard member (Federal
Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors, Chapter 8, Reserve and
National Guard, Eligibility for VA Benefits) Active Duty Personnel
Active duty personnel are invited to become members as they are the future
of this organization and thereby need a voice in that
We welcome the insight into the current conditions and needs of our active
duty personnel so the welfare of our future women veterans, especially
health issues, will be met
Any member recognized as part of the “World War Special Group Veteran”
Associate Members
number of associate members must not comprise more than 25% of the
membership body
membership eligibility
(including only students in college or university ROTC programs or at
Armed Services academies)
widows, widowers, ancestors, or lineal descendants of individuals referred
to in Section 5.02 by two
degrees of consanguinity, to include male members
woman or man that does not enjoy a qualifying relationship with any member
in good standing
number of associate members that do not qualify under Section must not comprise of
more than 2.5% of the total membership body
members are eligible to vote
members are not eligible to hold an office
members are eligible to chair a standing committee 5.03.03
members must attend one (1) monthly meeting within six (6) months of
acceptance unless living outside the range of 50 miles of the nearest
local WVA Chapter. Those who are physically unable can contact the
organization for information and/or minutes of the monthly meetings.
a member fails to attend at least one (1) monthly organization meeting six
(6) months after acceptance into the Chapter, OR if any current member
does not attend (1)
organization meeting within a 6 month time period, they will be considered
an inactive member and will not be counted to establish a quorum. A
member can be returned to "active status" with the approval of the
Executive Committee,
by attending one (1) monthly organization meeting. At that point, the 6-month period
begins again. 5.04
Dues 5.04.01
National Headquarters sets Dues for all WVA Chapters. Members have the
option to pay dues annually or become a lifetime member. Annual membership
renewal is due on the one year anniversary of the date they joined. Members have a one (1) month grace
period. Members are required
to pay their annual dues prior to midnight on last day of the one (1)
month grace period; if their dues are not paid at this time, they are not
a member. 5.04.02
annual dues for local membership is twenty dollars ($20) and
20% ($4) of the dues will be paid to the National
Organization 5.04.03
dues with forty percent (40%) forwarded to the National Organization are
as follows: $150 ($60) for
those under 40, $120 ($48) for 41-65 years old, $100 ($40) for those over
65 years old. 5.04.04
fees incurred by the Chapter (i.e. returned checks, insufficient funds,
etc.) will be assessed to the issuer of the check. 5.04.05
membership dues and updated membership rosters will be received by the
National Vice-Commander quarterly: Feb, May, Aug, Nov
Regular Chapter monthly meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of
each month starting at 10am at a location announced at the previous
1/10th of total active Chapter membership must be present to make a quorum
to conduct business of a regular monthly meeting. If
a quorum is not present – a meeting can be considered as convened but no
business can be conducted. ARTICLE
The administration of the Chapter's affairs before its first election of
officers was conducted by officer(s) appointed from WVA National. The
first officer(s) were the governing body of this WVA Chapter and were
known as the Constituting Committee. Until the election of new officers:
Commander, Vice-Commander, Adjutant, Finance Officer and Sergeant-At-Arms,
appointed officers served for a term of no less than two (2)
years. 7.02
The elected officers of this chapter shall be a Commander, Vice Commander,
Adjutant (Secretary), Finance Officer (Treasurer), Sergeant-At-Arms, and
Chaplain. The Chapter may elect or appoint such other officers or
assistant officers as may be needed to operate the Chapter. Original
Officers (Constituting Committee) and Past Commander(s) shall be known and
serve as an Executive Committee to oversee the Chapter and ensure it is
following WVA National Guidelines and Chapter
bylaws. 7.03
The Commander and the Finance Officer must be bonded at no less than
$5000. The bonding fees will
be paid by the local chapter. 7.04
for elected office will be taken from the floor at the October and
November meetings. The
Commander may select a nominating committee at least three months prior to
the election of officers. If
a nominating committee is established, all applicants for office must be
presented to this committee in advance of the November meeting so that the
committee can insure that the nominee is willing to serve in the
office. 7.05
of officers will be held annually at the November meeting and the elected
officers will assume their duties at the first meeting of the next
month. All documents and documentation being held by outgoing
Officers will be turned over to the (new) incoming Officers, no later than
the first business meeting of the Chapter following the election.
All documents will be surrendered in their original form and at no expense
to the Chapter and/or incoming officers. 7.06
the case of removal of the Commander from her office because of death,
resignation, or inability to discharge the duties of her office, the same
shall devolve upon the Vice-Commander. If in the case above both the
Commander and the Vice-Commander, the duties of the office shall devolve
upon the office of successive officers. The inability, whether she is
sufficiently recovered to resume such duties, shall be determined by
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee. 7.07
officer missing four (4) meetings, without just cause, shall be brought
before the Executive Committee for neglect of
office. 7.08
officer will hold more than one (1) elected office at a time. In the
event of resignation or disciplinary removal of an Officer, the slot will
remain unfilled until the next election, unless the Commander and
Executive Board deem it necessary to hold a Special Election to fill the
Vacancy. A Special Election will follow the same rules of a general
election with the exception of it being held out of normal sequence. This
officer(s) tour of duty will expire at the normal election
time. 7.09
The term of office shall be one year. ARTICLE
Commander 8.01.01 Preside over all
meetings, regular or special meetings, of the organization and its
Executive Board 8.01.02
Be vested with all the administrative powers of the
To sign all official documents
The ability to sign all vouchers and checks drawn on WVA Chapter 20
Appoint a Chair of each standing committee
Appoint an ad-hoc committee and its chair when deemed
Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating
committee during the subsequent term
To be the official spokeswoman for the organization in all public
relations activities as well as dealings with the public or any veteran
entity, unless otherwise delegated by the Executive
Additional duties as needed by the organization
The Commander shall see that all other officers perform their
In case of disability, has the power to temporarily suspend/reassign the
responsibility of the office
In case of non-performance of duties or incompetence, has the power to
remove such officer, with such removed officer having the right to appeal
to the Executive Board
acts and decisions by the Commander shall be reviewable by the Executive
Board 8.02
Vice-Commander 8.02.01
the duties of the Commander in her absence 8.02.02
the event of the Commander’s death, resignation, removal from office for
cause, or inability to perform her duties, the Vice-Commander shall become
the Commander for the remainder of the unexpired term
the Commander in the discharge of her official duties in such manner as
she may direct and shall have such other powers and duties as from time to
time may be specifically delegated to her by the Executive Board
Coordinate all outreach and recruiting activities 8.02.04
perform other duties at the request of the
Commander. 8.03
Adjutant 8.03.01 Records the minutes of
all proceedings and preserve all important papers regarding the Women
Veterans of America Chapter 20 and its Executive Board
Copies of all minutes will be made available to any member upon request to
ensure the integrity of the organization to be accomplished within fifteen
(15) days of initial request 8.03.03
Conduct and maintain the general correspondence and files of the
organization 8.03.04
Be responsible for all duties and records involving the membership of the
organization including an updated membership database to include:
Personal contact information
Expiration Date 8.03.05
Mail membership cards, copy of dues receipt, and a copy of the current
local Constitution and Bylaws to members as needed 8.03.06
notify annual members when their renewal is due 8.03.07
send quarterly membership reports to the National Vice-Commander when
due 8.03.08
appropriate Associate Membership category is open before accepting an
application with the assistance of the Vice-Commander and
Associate Membership is less than or equal to25% of the membership
the “general public” Associate Membership is less than 2.5% of the
Associate Membership 8.03.09
as Credentialing Officer for the election of Local
each voter is a member in good standing and entitled to
as the Chair of the Credentialing committee
that all nominees are members in good standing
nominee is willing to accept office if elected before placing their name
on the slate
election tellers while counting the vote
the Credentialing Committee’s Election Report before the Membership
body 8.03.10 Should a special meeting
of the membership be called, notice will be published by letter to be
received by the membership no later than two full weeks prior to the date
of the meeting 8.03.11
furnish committees with whatever documents are required for the
performance of their duties, and to have on hand a list of all existing
committees and their members 8.03.12
sign all certified copies of acts of the society, unless otherwise
specified in the Constitution and Bylaws 8.03.13
sure the official Constitution and Bylaws, special rules of order,
standing rules, and minutes are entered, with any amendments to these
documents properly recorded, and to have the current minute book available
for reference at all meetings 8.03.14
have a published agenda available at all meetings 8.03.15
perform other duties at the request of the
Commander. 8.04
Officer 8.04.01
The Finance Officer (Treasurer) shall collect and receive all dues, and
other funds. She shall be
accountable therefore to the Executive Committee and to the Chapter. She
shall keep proper books, records, and accounts which shall at all times be
open for examination by the Executive Committee, by the Chapter, and by
WVA National. 8.04.02
No money shall be drawn from the treasury except for such purposes as
approved by the Chapter or the Executive Committee. 8.04.03
All accounts must have two signatures. The signatures should be as
follows: the Finance Officer (Treasurer) and the Commander; OR the
Commander’s designated representatives. This applies to the following
Chapter accounts:
Savings 8.04.04
All accounts shall have Internet access, with access code given to the
Financial Officer (Treasurer), and the Commander and/or her designated
representative. 8.04.05
Financial books will be present at every meeting and available for review
to any member after the meeting has adjourned. If a discrepancy is
noted it will be brought to the attention of the Commander as soon as
possible in writing. 8.04.06
An audit committee consisting of the Financial Officer (Treasurer), and
two (2) members in good standing appointed by the Commander, will complete
an audit a minimum of twice a year, (November and May). The month
may be changed by the Commander, with approval from the
membership 8.04.07
The audit:
An audit of the financial records will be completed prior to the December
meeting; so all records can be turned over to elected officers. This will
be accomplished by the outgoing Financial Officer, and two appointed
members in good standing, and anyone else deemed necessary by the
Commander and Executive Committee. If there is a problem it will be
brought to the attention of the Commander and Sgt-at-Arms, in writing as
soon as possible, 21 to 25 days after the election or prior to the next
business meeting.
Any additional audits may be requested by any member in good
standing. Upon request and vote of simple majority of members
present the Commander will appoint two members of good standing, and the
Financial Officer (Treasurer), to accomplish the audit. A time limit
will be determined and agreed upon by Commander and Vice Commander.
If discrepancies are found they will be reported to the Commander and Vice
Commander immediately. The written audit will be published and the
Commander and Vice Commander will determine if it should be distributed or
just discussed, at the next scheduled meeting. 8.04.08
Revenue Service (IRS) Requirements will be fulfilled:
FEIN contact information will be updated at each change in slate of
officers by December 31 as our tax year ends November
Finance Officer shall file the appropriate IRS income tax documents
(including the IRS Form 990-N e-Postcard) no later than April 15 of each
year 8.04.09
perform other duties at the request of the
Sergeant-At-Arms 8.05.01
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall lead the Pledge of Allegiance after the
Commander calls the meeting to order; keep order at the meetings; and
shall enforce the laws of Robert's Rules of Order 8.05.02
Maintain an accurate inventory of all physical property belonging to the
Chapter and who is in possession of the property. The Sergeant-at-Arms will update
this list annually upon election of new officers and as needed during the
year if property is reassigned to a different member. Physical property shall be
receipted to the person in possession of the
property 8.05.03
Shall be responsible for assuring that the United States flag and the WVA
flag are available for all meetings 8.05.04
perform other duties at the request of the
Commander. 8.06
Chaplain 8.06.01
duty of the Chaplain is to deliver the opening invocation at each
meeting 8.06.02
shall be informed of any sickness or distress of any member or member’s
family. 8.06.03
a death has occurred among the members of the Chapter, it becomes the
immediate duty of the Chapter chaplain to call on the bereaved family and
offer words of sympathy and consolation, and the services of the Chapter,
if so desired. 8.06.04
Chaplain shall perform other duties at the request of the
Commander. ARTICLE
Hat 9.01.01
hat shall be a Red Garrison Cap with the logo. Chapter
designation will be a silver pin with the appropriate Chapter number, with
the Chapter Commander having a pin with the words “Commander” Members
may decorate hat with medals or insignia of military service and/or other
related pins; e.g. WIMSA replica pin, Vietnam Women's Memorial Statue
replica pin, P.O.W. pin, state emblem replica pins, Organizational replica
pins, DAV, AL, VFW etc. The Garrison Cap is worn with complete uniform as
listed in Section's 2 through 6 of Article XI and may be worn alone when
not in uniform when performing WVA matters. National
Officers will be designated by a silver pin “National”, with the exception
of the National Commander who will have “National
Commander” 9.01.02
white, red, or blue baseball cap with the WVA logo may be worn if
Shirt or Blouse 9.02.01
the Class A shirt or blouse it is recommended that members wear white
shirt or white blouse with logo attached to the left breast of the
shirt or blouse. 9.02.01
The utility uniform shirt shall consist of a polo style shirt in white,
red, or dark blue with the logo attached to the left breast. White, red or dark blue crew neck
sweat shirts can be worn when necessary 9.02.03
awarded medals, ribbons, and badges, if worn, will be above the left
breast pocket or similar area if no pocket. US insignia and
aiguillettes will not be worn on Class A or B uniforms. (This does
not include the honor guard). The lapels of said shirt or blouse may
display your service insignia 9.02.04
The WVA emblem can be embroidered or screen printed 9.03
Slacks or Skirts: Navy slacks or skirts are recommended for wear as part
of the uniform. 9.04
Shoes: comfortable black shoes. 9.05
Windbreakers: White Organizational windbreakers with logo on back may be
worn anytime and as an option as an additional part of the uniform, and
are not decorated with the exception of the Logo imprinted on back of
jacket. Member's name may be embroidered on front left breast
area. 9.06
This above described Uniforms are worn for parades, funeral and burial
services, and Chapter functions where uniform is needed or requested by
the Commander. 9.07
Uniform styles may be worn until the uniform item is no longer
serviceable ARTICLE
Disciplinary Committee shall have original jurisdiction over all
disciplinary matters and procedures. The Disciplinary Committee will
consist of elected officers and a member in good standing appointed by the
Commander. Members shall be subject to discipline or expulsion from
the Women Veterans of America only as in Articles I through
X. 10.02
Any individual may make charges against a member. They shall be in writing
and shall be signed by the individual making such charges. Such charges
shall specify with reasonable particularity the conduct of the accused
upon which such charges are based and that the accused may be fully
apprised of the nature of the charges made. The Disciplinary Committee
shall examine all such charges and, if in the opinion of the majority of
the Disciplinary Committee the charges do not set forth any conduct or
action on the part of the accused which, if true, would constitute cause
for discipline or expulsion from membership under the provision of the
Articles I through X, or, if the Disciplinary Committee determines that
under all circumstances, the charges are not justified, the Disciplinary
Committee shall dismiss such charges on their own motion. If there is
sufficient evidence to warrant a hearing, such hearing shall take place
before the Disciplinary Committee. 10.03
The Disciplinary Committee should address all charges within thirty (30)
days of receipt of written charges. The Committee should make a
decision as soon as possible following an investigation. If there is
a delay in making a decision, a report should be made to all parties
concerned within thirty (30) days. 10.04
When charges are preferred against a member or officer, the accused shall
not act as a member or as an officer unless and until such charges shall
have been dismissed against her. ARTICLE
The Commander shall designate and appoint the Chairperson of all
committees with the exception of the Executive
Committee. 11.02
The Chairperson of each committee will give a report to the Commander at
each monthly meeting. ARTICLE
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular monthly meeting by a vote of
two-thirds of the members attending such meeting, provided that the
proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the Chapter,
and read and/or distributed for discussion at one (1) regular monthly
business meeting preceding the vote. 12.2
may be changed, but any proposed changes must be sent to WVA National
Headquarters for review. WVA National has the right to accept or refuse
any proposed changes. All
proposed changes must meet Federal and Charter Requirements. Revised
and Approved 2-12-11 Approved
by National 4-4-2011