On September 19,1990, Women Veterans of America was formed by four women veterans, Katherine Mussen, Vietnam Veteran; June Panzeri,
WWII Veteran; Mildred Cipolla,
Korean War Veteran; Colleen Mussolino,
Vietnam Veteran. All these women
veterans were in a support group led by Claudia Mitzeliotis at the
Brooklyn VA. As the Gulf War was pending and it seemed eminent that a full-scale war
was about to begin, the idea of forming Women Veterans of America came
about. This group of women had already been through and smoothed out the
rough parts of dealing with the VA Hospital System. They knew the women
coming home from the Gulf War would need their expertise and guidance. WVA brought to the VA's attention issues from women who have
served in the military. Because
the majority of VA patients were men, Women Veterans of America suggested
the following issues should be addressed: 1. Privacy for patients.
5. Special medication women may need. 6. Veteran Service Organization's (VSO) understanding
the needs of 7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Sexual Harassment, and Assault Groups led by therapists and
psychologists. 8. Transitioning from military to civilian life. Over the years, additional chapters of Women Veterans of America were formed across the country. On
September 9th, 2004, 11 women veterans formed Chapter 20 in
Nashville, Tennessee. This
was the first Chapter in the state of Tennessee.
Back row (l-r): Pat Knight, Susan Frey, Janet Cook, Ginnie Tribble, Lois Dillree, Corina Collins Front row (l-r): Carla Johnson, Birdie Anderson, Mary Ross, Terri
Klozik, Stacey Hopwood